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1st Round of Call for Paper

2nd International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization


Dates: 12 – 14 December 2017
Place: Yaoundé, Cameroon
Languages: English and French

Under the high patronage of the Government of The Republic Cameroon, and in collaboration with the UN-Habitat and the University of Ottawa, the second International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization (ICCCASU II – Yaoundé 2017): “Smart Urban Development: Local to Global Actions”, will be held in Yaoundé, Cameroon, from December 12 to 14, 2017, a representative country of African issues of urbanization and challenge of urban development. Following ICCASU I, held in Canada in 2015, and leading up to the third conference in China in 2019, ICCCASU II – Yaoundé 2017 will be one of the first transcontinental conferences to address the challenges identified by the New Urban Agenda adopted at the HABITAT III Summit in October 2016.

Moving beyond the conventional practice of North-South or South-South cooperation, ICCCASU fosters a triangular dialogue between African countries, Canada and China. ICCCASU II – Yaoundé 2017 will be comprised of three principal components: 1) Pre-conference: 3-day training/workshop, 2) 3-day conference & exhibition, 3) Post-conference: Working trip (optional). We will also invite several mayors from African, Canadian and Chinese cities as well as renowned scholars in the field as keynote speakers. The conference will bring together researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers from the public, private and civil society sectors to explore challenges to urban development in Canada, China, and Africa, with a focus on Cameroon. Each of these countries can benefit from Smart Urban Development based on the principles of sustainability, resilience, inclusivity, security and replicability in the 21st century. ICCCASU II – Yaoundé 2017 will examine current urban development models in Canada, China and African Countries in order to identify how best to address fragility, reduce vulnerability and promote smart urban development across a range of geographic, historical, political and economic contexts. The conference will also examine ways in which local and global issues place limits on sustainable urban development, and identify mechanisms that could or ought to be put in place to improve the local and global governance of urban spaces.

The organizing committee of the ICCCASU hereby calls for contributions in the form of 1) individual scientific or policy papers, 2) whole panels or symposiums, and 3) posters or other exhibits. Submissions are welcome in (but not limited to) the following seven thematic areas:

1. Smart Urban Development & Globalization Context
2. Cities & Climate Change
3. Socio-technological Innovations
4. Urban and Community Dynamics
5. Translating the New Urban Agenda into Action
6. Urban Security & Land Tenure Issues
7. Special Challenges for Urban Africa

How to submit a proposal:
Send all proposals in Word format using the downloadable form at ICCASU.ORG or http://chinaeam.uottawa.ca/ICCASU/, and submit to [email protected] & [email protected] .
1. If yours is a standalone presentation, include an abstract of 250 words.
2. If you are proposing a panel or a symposium, include an abstract of maximum 350 words for the whole panel or colloquium, and an abstract for each presentation.
3. If you wish to participate in 3-day training/workshop, please directly contact the organizing committee at [email protected].
4. If you wish to participate in the exhibition, please directly contact the organizing committee at [email protected].

All proposals will be subject to peer review. All accepted proposals will be published in the ICCCASU II proceedings.

Important Dates:
• Deadline for submitting a proposal: 31 July 2017.
• Decisions on proposals will be made within three weeks of the submission.

Registration Fee (including proceedings, lunches, dinners, coffee breaks, etc.):
• Before 30 June 2017 (Early Bird):
• Regular participants: $200 USD
Students: $100 USD
• From 1 July 2017 to 31 October 2017
• Regular participants: $300 USD
• Students: $150 USD
• Half price for regular and student participants based in Africa.
The organizing committee will also offer a good number of scholarships which will cover the total registration fee to the best proposals submitted by students or young professors registered in any African universities. Please visit at ICCASU.ORG for the details.
